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Mobility mechanisms

ECTS to be acquired: a pluridisciplinary educational path

According to the multidisciplinary training policy of this Master degree, each student is expected to earn at least 20 theoretical ECTS in each discipline.

The student can imprint a more pronounced orientation towards his/her favourite discipline by choosing freely the remaining units required to reach the total number of 90 theoretical units over 2 years. But he/she can also choose these remaining units in equally distributed disciplinary domains.

No more than 6 ECTS acquired from language training will be validated as Erasmus Mundus units, but students are encouraged to attend more foreign language courses.


Each student will have to follow courses in at least two different Institutions. A full semester must be spent in a single Institution. Each mobility period corresponds to one semester, i.e. September-January of the first Academic year (to be spent in Cachan or Paris Descartes), February-June of the first year (at Wroclaw University or Complutense University), September- February of the second year (to be spent either in Cachan or at WUT), and March-August of the second Year (Microthesis).

The first month of the course (September, Year N) will be spent in Cachan for all students, then allowing them to mix and to become acquainted with each other. This short period will be devoted to an intensive training in a domain that is complementary of their initial background. Four courses are proposed in this context : Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology.

SchémaThe mobility mechanism is summarized in the following table (click here).

European students may earn 15 credits in any of the non-EU Academic Partner of the Consortium, by following courses or by doing a research intership.

    Year 1 : Cachan or Paris Descartes: 21 to 30 Units (they include at least the 19 mandatory ECTS + a minimum number of 2 additional ECTS to be chosen among the remaining courses, see Table above)

    Complutense or University of Wroclaw: 30 to 39 units (depending on the number of units acquired during the first semester)

    Year 2 : 30 units in the Institution chosen for this semester.

    Microthesis will provide 30 ECTS.